Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Basics for Better Living Continued

Don't Smoke!

-Tobacco smoke contains an aromatic amine, hydrazine, which can cause flares of cutaneous lupus.
-Smoking worsens the symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon (fingers and/or toes turn blue or white when cold)
-Smoking impairs circulation to a greater extent in people with lupus than in otherwise healthy people.

Develop Preventive Coping Strategies

Don't Let The Weather "Psych You Out"
People with lupus are sensitive to changes in barometric pressure. If the weather goes from hot to cold or wet to dry, you might be a bit achier. This will pass. The best climate for lupus patients is one with the fewest changes in the barometer.

Control Fatigue
Fatigue in lupus is caused by inflammation, anemia (deficiency in the oxygen-carrying materials in the blood), and chemicals known as cytokines, among other sources. In order to help reduce your fatigue:

-Pace yourself with periods of activity alternating with periods of rest.
-Remember: Patients who stay in bed all day only become weaker.
-On the other hand, supermoms and dads who put in a 20-hour day without a break can cause their disease to flare.

Develop A Good Doctor-Patient Relationship
It's very important that your physician is accessible and will take the time to discuss disease management issues. For instance:

-Will your physician tell you if pregnancy is advisable or not, whether or not to take birth control pills, which antibiotics you need to be careful with?
-Will your physician write a jury duty letter or fill out a disability form if needed?

In return, it's vital that you, as the patient:

-prepare for and keep your appointments
-be honest with your physician
-take medication as prescribed
-respect their time.

It would also be helpful to plan ahead and decide what to do in case of an emergency.